


I can now reveal that we at the CCNC conference in Las Vegas in January, 2008 will demonstrate and release what we call the PAMP stack.

PAMP stands for Personal Apache, MySQL, PHP, so yes, the full LAMP stack will be made available for S60 smart phones. In addition, there will be PHP extension modules that provide access to the core functionality of the phone. And on top of PAMP you can basically install any LAMP based content management system. For instance, Drupal can be installed off the shelf.

Yes, a fair amount of memory is needed and it’s still pretty experimental stuff, but it runs quite nicely on E90.

Hot news: PHP and MySQL coming to S60!

NOKIA E90 Communicatorさんで知りましたが、S60で動くLAMP環境(PAMP:Personal Apache, MySQL, PHP)が来年1月にラスベガスで行われるCCNC conferenceで発表されるようです。Apacheが動いて、そのうえPHP、MySQLがE90上で動くとなれば、やれることが一気に広がりますね。Wikiをメモ帳代りにしたり、MySQLでDBを作ったり。来年1月は管理工学から+J for S60も出る予定なので、すごく待ち遠しいです。
