来週、16日にも発売が開始されるNokiaのWindowsPhone Lumia800ですが、どうやらSIMフリー版の登場は年明け1月まで待たなければいけないようです。
We’ll let you decide whether this is good news or bad news but it appears that Nokia is delaying the availability of its SIM-free Lumia 800 until January 2012, according to reports from online retailers.
Carrier versions will still be available in the U.K., as planned, starting November 16, but those who don’t want to sign a contract and only need the phone itself — as well as those outside launch countries that want to get/import the phone — will have to wait until early next year.
まぁ、あと2ヶ月余裕が出来たわけで、Lumia800の前にGalaxy NoteがGalaxy NexusかMotorola RAZRを買おうかしら。