




NotesLate brings you the extensions for your NoteSlate device. NotesLate is the network solution, communication and cloud based services for your lovely device. Basic purpose of the Share feature on every NoteSlate device is the sharing solution across this handwritten NotesLate network. Also USB updates are available. Unique interface for pencil and paper is here ideally extended for the amazing sharing experience and interactivity.

Sketch, share ideas, draw pictures, communicate with full whatevermoticons…. Write notes across, explain ideas in real time with the others, send messages, paper rolls, or short notes, memos, tasks… in area of education or co-working environment. Attach gallery channels and publishing platform of the handwritten content… These all features are upgrades of the basic paper function, to note and draw. Creativity, individuality and handwritten human touch are released here as never before. Freedom of network expressions.

NoteSlate and NotesLate, as simple as you wish.

