
Noteslateのその後 公式サイトが更新されたものの、実機はいまだ見れず…





Dear Friends,followers,supporters all of us know, there were many emotions comments, feedback, ideas and stories about Noteslate. Thank you for it, and sorry for it. We understand it. We have been living for this idea intensively for last 6 months and working on real noteslate. this creates the way, how things were going in past half an year with noteslate. At the beginning there was just idea of electronic paper. No hoax, Scam or fake. Just concept for unique unknown product, we wanted to bring into reality. This noteslate device, globally. We launched this amazing discovering trip with you, started development, to bring you this device. And not just that. In the process we learned many things, solved some of them, and some of them missed. We discovered in details fields of electronic paper potential, its social importnce, fileds of usability, market, new paper interactivity, paper sharing visions and new handwriting consequences. All of this on noteslate, pencil and paper.

The sketching on noteslate is great beginning of this future. Drawing, writing, do whatever slating across globe will bring many new aspects of handwritten creation, communication and interaction. This for ages known experience now enters new levels, socially and technologically. And you are part of it. Thank you for your attention, care and thousands of expressions.

We decided to redefine paper, in much wider angle we thought, to define slate, to bring you handwriting technology with its freedom and open-source ambitions, and we go for it.
We are not ready to update these informations at once today. Subject of our development stage, prototype, display, technology, technical details, photos, videos, product range, accessories, connectivity, firmware programming, device manufacturing, handwritten network, notes late sdk, extensions, 1-bit world, ordering, distribution, reversal marketing and product development, pricing, start-up and corporate info, team, people, hand writing interactivity and publishing, SLATE CATEGORY, future and outernet visions, … We have been solving that, and we want to share with all of you in couple of next days, these ideas and progress we made. Just because noteslate is becoming reality. Thanks to you, people out there, friends, community, supporters and our fans. Sorry we didn’t have time to reply. From vapor, from water, from blank sheet of paper, from sharing, from you, just from idea.

Anywhere this project or the slate(eWriter) market will develop into, we wish, you will remember noteslate as the ideal vision for the new paper medium – SLATE, for future open-society communication device, privacy and hand written network principles. We can build this vision into reality, although it will be very hard and risky area we are flying in. Timing is very tight. We know now we are able to make it. We believe this. believe in us.

The Noteslate ideas are the basics, the best thing we can offer you now, the wireframe of ideas to think about. Just give us time please for process and to prove, we are on the right way with all of this. We will show you this week our steps we made already.

Thank you very much.
Stay tuned for updates coming soon.





私たちは、それらの情報を今日、一度に更新する準備が出来ていません。開発段階、試作品、ディスプレイ、技術、詳細仕様、写真、ビデオ、製品範囲、アクセサリー、繋がりやすさ、ファームウェアのプログラム、デバイスの製造、手書きのネットワーク、notes late SDK、
拡張性、1-bit world、注文方法、
流通、reversal marketing 、製品開発、価格付け、スタートアップ、会社の情報、チーム、社員、手書きの双方向性と配信性、Slateというカテゴリー、未来、そしてアウターネット構想…。私たちは環境を整え、それらのアイデアと進捗の全てを一両日中に公開したいと思っています。Noteslateは現実に成りつつあるのです。




