
StreakのWhiteバージョン BestBuyで発売開始



先月、StreakやX10などの幾つかの端末のsnow-whiteバージョンをBestBuyで発売すると発表がありましたが、そのうちのDELL Streakの白バージョンの発売が始まったようです。

Best Buy is now selling its exclusive white Dell Streak in select stores across the US. It’s only available for in-store pickup right now, though it can be reserved and paid for online if you don’t want to spend too much time in the store. Boxes containing the white Android tablet appear to still be in transit, as stores that didn’t have any on Monday got some yesterday, so keep checking availability at your local Best Buy if you really want one.

straksmart Photos: White Dell Streak strikes a pose

